Over the past few month Bexhill Lions Club has continued to support the local community. Lion President Andrea Etheridge said “Although we have been in lockdown, we have held regular Zoom meetings to discuss the various appeals that we have received. In this way we have been able to continue our support of the Bexhill community.”
Simon Edwards, Community Services Chair added ” In addition to the £800 we have recently made available, members have given many hours of their time in support of good causes. A tremendous effort by all involved. Although we aren’t able to collect spectacles for recycling at the present time, we are still able to deliver our Message in a Bottle, which is an effective way to keep essential medical and personal details where they can be found in an emergency. We are also planning events, such as a Diabetes Awareness day, that we will hold when restrictions are lifted.
The pandemic has forced the Bexhill Lions Club to cancel planned Fund raising events. These will be resumed when the safety of the public, participants, and organisers can be assured within Government guidelines. If you would like to make a donation to support our work, or, learn more about the Club or chat about becoming a member call the Club Secretary Rick on 0345 833 9591
If you would like to make a donation towards worth causes and support for our community follow the link below.