Last weekend Members and partners went on a conducted Ghost Walk of Old Hastings.

In between historical facts and to get things warmed up, Janet was accused of being a witch and in spite of denying this accusation was punished by fire.

Demon barber Sweeney Todd showed his razor sharp skills on George, pickpockets were identified and Val was accused of being a “lady of the night”.

In front of the oldest Church in Hastings, the ghost of a judge who delivered capital punishment for miscreants revealed his noose and demonstrated his art on Simon, who showed remarkable theatrical talent.

Waterloo Passage, next to the First In Last Out pub, in High Street is believed to be the most haunted part of Hastings. With some trepidation and keeping a watch all around we moved down this dark, narrow passage.

Looking up to Hastings castle we heard how prisoners were holed up in the dungeons, their tongues cut out so they could not plot their escape. A tight lipped group moved quickly on.

A brisk walk to the Tamarisk steps, where the Look Out Point is thought to be another haunted place in the Old Town. A family are said to have been killed at sea during a storm in 1828 and the cries of the ghost of the grieving grandmother can be heard to this day – or so it is rumoured.

Finally at the bottom of dead man’s steps we came to the end of our walk. We thanked our entertaining and knowledgeable guide and to keep in the spirit of the occasion headed off to Ye Old Pumphouse for refreshments.

All felt it was a great experience, eerily interesting and frightfully funny and thanked Lion Pam for being so brave in organising it.