Lions UK submitted an application for funding to the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF),  the charity arm of Lions Clubs International.  A grant of £160,000 has been made available to assist all the charitable Air Ambulance services across the British Isles.

From this sum,  Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex (AAKSS) will receive nearly £10,000 to purchase three ISO-Capsules. These are the best solution to be able to transport patients in the aircraft. The ISO-Capsule has been designed for the temporary isolation of a person contaminated by infectious diseases, while transporting/transferring them to hospital.

It is a light, self-contained portable isolation unit that can operate continuously for approximately seven hours without replenishment. The capsule provides an exterior shelter to protect the patient from the outside environment and the outside environment from any infectious hazard contained within the chamber.

This will allow AAKSS to safely transport COVID-19 patients on the aircraft, allowing them to help the NHS as much as possible and together fight the ccoronavirus pandemic in the UK.

Bexhill Lions Support Air Ambulance Appeal

We have donated £500 to an appeal for the funding of an additional specialist Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) for Air Ambulance Kent Surrey and Sussex (AAKSS) .

The fleet currently consists of two Volvo XC70 4x4s and two XC90 B5s,  which replaced two of the older XC70s at the end of last year.

The charity is actively involved in the fight against COVID-19 and is in need of additional operational capacity to support their work. They made an appeal to Lions Clubs UK for funds to purchase a Volvo XC90 B5 (Diesel Hybrid) and now sufficient funds have been raised to allow AAKSS to purchase the vehicle.

The fleet of vehicles are used in a variety of circumstances to provide specialist life-saving care by road, complementing and supporting the role of the Air Ambulances.

If you would like to add to our contribution you can press DONATE NOW.

For information. about Bexhill Lions Club or to enquire about membership please call Rick on 0345 833 9591
