We recently offered free PSA screenings, supported by the charity PCaSO (Prostate Cancer Support Organisation) to Bexhill residents.

The 373 men tested have received their results. We were given the total which were; 20 had high ‘red’ readings, 13 were borderline ‘amber’ and the rest were normal ‘green’. Among the reds were, 1 in his 40s, 1 in 50s, 9 in 60s and 9 in 70s. Overall red and amber readings accounted for 8.8% of those tested and all those men were recommended by letter or email to make their GP aware of the result and if felt necessary, have a repeat test done or be referred directly to the local hospital for further tests that could detect cancer.

Event organiser Simon Edwards said ” This has been so worthwhile and we hope that those that received an amber or red result will follow the recommended steps to seek further advice. We received a lot of positive feedback which was really appreciated.”

Comments included; “A note of thanks for organising the PSA testing. I saw one of your flyers in the Fish and Chip shop window, took a photo and sent to family members. The results, all green, came back really quickly. Thank you for a valuable service to the community.”

“Well done Lions. What a take up and it went like a well oiled machine. Really well organised. Thank you all.”, “Attended this morning and impressed with the Lion’s organisation and number of helpers. Then 2 of the members came to the litter pick in the afternoon to donate hi-vis vests to the Bexhill Environmental Group. What energy and dedication”.