Mobility scooter users came together at last weeks’ coffee morning organised by Bexhill Lions Club. The event was to provide a safe environment for them to come together, have a chat and a cup of tea or coffee and make new friends.

Lion Members were on hand to welcome them, serve refreshments and to chat with them.

One lady said she came along because she didn’t know anyone. She was able to sit and chat to at least 3 or 4 different people for over an hour. There was much sharing of experiences amongst the guests, including: insure cover, repairs, supportive cafes and accessibility in the Town.

Lion President Clare had recorded the Wheel and Walk event and had created a short video with music to remind them of the day, which was enjoyed by everybody.

Lion President Clare said: “We were delighted to host this coffee morning. We wanted to provide an opportunity for mobility scooter users who might not otherwise get the chance to sit and chat with other scooter users to meet up and forge connections. We were especially keen to organise a get together at this time of year when it is all too easy to feel isolated at home. We were very pleased that a dozen or so people battled their way through the cold and drizzle to join us. The Charter Centre proved to be an ideal venue because people were able to ride their scooters into the building and park in the café.”

Wheel and Walk will be back on Sunday 9 June 2019 and details are on our events tab.