Bexhill Lions Club has recently welcomed two new members into the Club.
Jean Wood, a retired Primary School Manager was inducted as a Member at a recent Covid – safe business meeting. She moved to Bexhill a short while ago with her partner Mark Legg, who is currently a member of the Horley Lions Club.
She said “When we moved to Bexhill I had always intended joining the Lions Club. I love meeting and helping people, and obviously I was looking forward to attending many exciting events this year to raise money for good causes. However we all know what has happened this year! Here’s hoping next year will be a better one!”
Stella Harris was formally welcomed as a member at last month’s on-line Business meeting. Stella has lived in Bexhill for a considerable time and retired 5 years ago from her last job. Stella worked latterly for 10 years, as the office administrator for a local group of care homes.
Stella explained, “I keep busy, and enjoy gardening, walking, playing card games and love dancing (which unfortunately is ‘on hold’). I began to feel that I wanted to be involved in something really worthwhile and became a “Friend” of the Lions. For the past year, having worked and socialised, alongside the Bexhill Lions, I have seen how involved, and how hard they work to make a difference, particularly for the local community. So I now too would like to do more, by becoming a Lion with this great group of people who have been most welcoming”.
Lion President Simon Edwards added ” Throughout the Covid19 pandemic we continue to support those in need in our community. We continue to do this and have introduced new Covid- safe fundraising activities to meet the demand. In addition to our popular “You’ve been Flamingoed” we plan to have a craft stall at the Friday Bexhill Farmers Market from the end of November and this year we will be holding a Virtual Family Santa Dash. Also look out for Santa and his sleigh who we hope will be travelling around the town on Tuesday and Friday evenings throughout December. More events are planned for next year.
The pandemic has brought many challenges, including Fundraising and ensuring
compliance for the activities we hold. There has never been a greater need for volunteers and I am delighted to welcome Jean and Stella to Bexhill Lions Club. We are “open for business” and continue to seek new avenues for funding and ways in which we can help those in need.”
For more information on Bexhill Lions visit our Facebook page or call the Club Secretary on 0345 833 9591