Pupils at King Offa recently took part in the annual “Safety in Action” education and awareness event at Bexhill Community Fire Station. The Year 6 pupils received the highest points out of 20 schools, who sent over 660 children.
The project aims to teach children between 10 and 11 years how to deal with or avoid life threatening situations. The event is organised by East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service (ESFRS) and is a “hands on” experience where learning is by experiencing risk – even if children make mistakes along the way!
Different agencies staged scenarios, such as: Road safety and Personal safety, What to do with a casualty, Reporting a fire and home based risks, The dangers of the railway line, Water, Alcohol, Electrical and Cycle safety. Members of Bexhill Lions Club helped with the event, together with students from Bexhill College studying for the Public Service Course.
Sophie Hepworth, Public Health Specialist with ESFRS who organised the event said “The school came out top and the pupils excelled in making the 999 call and were very caring with the casualty.” Each child will also receive a certificate and a workbook from ESFRS to reinforce the safety messages learned. Funding for this event has been awarded by ESCC Public Health.
At morning assembly, their winners’ certificate was presented by Station Manager Dan Channon to pupil Lilly Emery. He said: “Safety in Action provides a safe environment for children to learn how to avoid dangerous situations and we are delighted to be working with local agencies and Bexhill Lions Club to deliver the event in the Rother area.Congratulations to King Offa on winning the competition. They clearly showed a real understanding of the risks in a variety of situations which I’m sure will stay with them.“
Lion Richard Winrow then congratulated all those who took part and presented a trophy and a cheque for £150 to Mr Ryan Laker, Acting Head of School who said the School was delighted to win and that they were very proud of the winning pupils.
Pupils Blake Eden-Rybak and Shianna Westcott (not in photo) were invited to come forward to receive a special award. A couple of weeks after the event they put what they had learned into practice, when they came across an older man who had collapsed near their school. They called 999, gave all the necessary information and waited for the ambulance to arrive. They each received a Bexhill Lions Club certificate and a “special award” medal.
Lion President Clare Kersley commented “We are delighted to continue our support and involvement in this initiative by providing Club members to accompany the children between each of the scenarios at the sessions and also sponsoring the prize for the winning school. It is a really well organised event and is a great example of partnership working by the various agencies.”
Sue Cassell, Bexhill Lions’ Youth Committee Chair added “Safety in Action delivers key messages in a clear understandable way and the children really enjoy taking part. I’m sure they will take home these safety messages and share them with family and friends, spreading the word of how to keep safe.”