Green Fairies to visit Bexhill woods
If you go down to the woods in Bexhill, you’re in for a big surprise! Bexhill Lions Club will be creating Green Fairy Trails amongst the trees, where the Green Fairies make their doors and homes from discarded and recycled materials.
These trails will be open in six different woods form 11.00am to 3.00pm;
Monday 26th July – Bexhill Downs, Monday 2nd August – Collington Woods, Monday 9th August – St Marys Wood, Monday 16th August – High Woods, Monday 23rd August – Gilham Woods and Tuesday 31st August Penland Wood.
Event organiser, Lion Pam Edwards said “Everything at the Green Fairy Trail is donated, salvaged or recycled. The creations have all been made by Lions and we hope it will help people think about ways to encourage recycling, raise environmental awareness, sustainability and fight global warming. There will be lots of useful signs and facts dotted around the trail, so it’s perfect for teaching the little ones about the environment.
The Trail is free and there will be the opportunity to purchase quiz/competition sheets and fairy wings. At the end of the trail there will be a craft table of items to purchase and an activity table where children can paint fairy doors and make other craft items.”
Pam added “One thing we cannot organise is the weather. So do keep an eye on Bexhill Lions Club Facebook page for any changes to the dates due to bad weather. To join in the fun bring your little ones dressed as fairies or elves if they wish.
The Lions thanked Rother Borough Council, The Wildlife Trust (who will be at Gilham Woods), Highwoods Preservation Society, St Marys Wood EARA Ltd., Tesco Community Champion, Poundland and performer Xena Flame for their support of this exciting new event.
For information on membership or the activities of Bexhill Lions, call Lion Rick on 0345 833 9591 or visit www.bexhill-lions.org.uk